One of the world famous food items is dairy product Curd. It is a fermented food that is liked by several people around the world. Curd is mainly made by the fermentation process that takes place by adding bacteria to the milk.  Food plays a prominent role in human health.

Various types of food are available worldwide. Each and every food item provides health benefits to the body. In this article, we will see in detail about the health benefits of consuming it in daily life.

Nutrition in Curd

  • Phosphorous

  • Calcium

  • Riboflavin

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin B12

  • Pantothenic acid

  • Organic acids like lactic acid

Health benefits of Curd

  • Improving Immune System: Curd has many good bacteria to improve body health. It is supported to fight against disease-causing germs. It is loaded with so many nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and lactobacillus, which helps to boost immunity power in the body. However, before buying it, one should look for ‘live active culture’ on the label to purchase only curd with probiotics.
  • Improving Digestion: It is the best option to improve the digestion process, and even lactose-intolerant people can consume it. The lactose breaks down during the fermentation process; It has some useful bacteria, which can support the digestion process very well and treat an upset stomach. Regularly consuming curd will help to avoid the constipation problem. It also contains probiotics, which is good for gut health. For people who are suffering from ulcer problems, it is the best choice to beat it naturally.
  • Good for Better Skin Health: Modern days people are using so much skin care products, especially women are spending heavy amounts on cosmetic products. However, using curd is an excellent option for improving skin care. It is loaded with a good amount of lactic acid, which acts as an exfoliator and helps to remove dead skin cells. Curd can also help to keep the skin moisturized and eliminate dry skin naturally. People who consume it regularly can keep their skin glow and shine.
  • Good for Heart Health: Consuming it daily is that it helps decrease cholesterol levels, and lower hypertension. It is also decreases the high blood pressure level. Balancing cholesterol levels will help to keep the blood vessels flexible and avoid the formation of arteries. This thing will help to improve blood circulation and keep the heart healthy.
  • Best choice for Weight Loss: Adding curd in the daily food diet will help to achieve weight loss goals. Yes, curd will encourage less production of cortisol and help reduce weight due to it being rich in calcium. Many people have an imbalanced lifestyle and imbalance in the hormone known as cortisol, the waistline is loaded with more fat. It controls the production of cortisol and provides the feeling of fullness in the stomach for a long time. This action will help you to eat less food and lose more body weight.
  • Good for Sexual Health: Men and women are suffering from sexual health issues due to several reasons. But couples adding it to their daily food diet will get so many sexual health benefits. Yes, curd contains a rich amount of mineral Zine, this will help to improve the sexual drive for a long hour. Men can easily improve their sperm count and also boost their sperm health by consuming curd in their daily life. It also supports reducing stress and boosting men’s mood during intercourse hour without use of any erection booster tablets like sildenafil citrate, Kamagra, Super P Force.
  • Deal Vaginal Infections: Curd has a good bacterial culture, which is playing a prominent role to keep the vagina healthy. It helps to manage the vaginal PH and improves its health. It has lactobacillus that restores the yeast balance in the vagina. Naturally it helps to reduce the growth of infections in one’s body and encourages the production of a chemical called hydrogen peroxide that supports destroying the yeast.
  • Boosting Bone and Teeth Health: Adding curd in the daily food diet will provide the body with a substantial amount of calcium, strengthening bones and teeth health. It also helps to stop the development of arthritis and other bone-related issues.
  • Supports Brain Function: Curd has enough vitamin B12, which plays an excellent role in maintaining brain health and cognitive function. Adding it in the daily food diet will help improve memory power and concentration, which can be beneficial for individuals to do their daily activities.
  • Enhances Muscle Health: It contains high protein that supports improving muscle repair and growth, making it an ideal dietary addition for those engaged in physical workouts or strength training. It also contains amino acids to help maintain muscle mass.

How to take Curd?

  • Breakfast: People can eat it with fruits, nuts, and granola for a nutritious breakfast.
  • Lunch or dinner: People can eat it during lunch or dinner time.
  • Curd rice: People can easily mix plain curd with cooked rice for the best lunch.
  • Buttermilk: Drink chill and fresh buttermilk is the best and natural refreshing drink.
  • Curd dip: Mix it with some fresh vegetables like onion, capsicums, celery, cucumber, and carrots and serve chilled.

People should avoid eating it at night, combining it with meat, cold foods, or incompatible foods. People should also eat it at least two hours before meals. Intake of one cup of curd is enough for a day.  People should avoid heating curd is also not recommended, because after heating it, it may change its qualities and cause suffocation and swelling.